Giga Miner

Giga Miner

(Rating: 4.4)Rating saved

Giga Miner Game

(Rating: 4.4)Rating saved

Mine your way to riches

Sponsored by: Lagged.com

Tags: tycoon · sim

9,125 total plays

Comment on Giga Miner:


Blazerconz 28
172 months ago
the movement is way too slow
172 months ago
game's was alright ... here's a couple of tips to have as much money as possible

1- health kits ... only the first and last shops sells their health kits at 250 , the others sells theirs at a higher price , so take that extra 5 seconds to go back to the first shop

2. always sell at the last city you have unlocked , the sell prices seems to be a little higher

3.buy all the upgrades as soon as you have at least 5k over . They give you more health/speed/abilty to deal with the events

4. do not buy anti-venom or health potions . in the long run they aren't worth it , instead go back to shop #1 every time your life goes arround 20-25 , don't play the hero you only have 3 lives .

4. Don't upgrade your house until the end of the game , keep it for the construction hats , the boots , etc instead ... you'll need around 120k to finish upgrading your house anyeway .

if you follow theese tips you'll finish the game with your 3 lives , every upgrades , full house upgrades and arround 120k in your pockets


Blazerconz 28
172 months ago
the movement is way too slow
172 months ago
game's was alright ... here's a couple of tips to have as much money as possible

1- health kits ... only the first and last shops sells their health kits at 250 , the others sells theirs at a higher price , so take that extra 5 seconds to go back to the first shop

2. always sell at the last city you have unlocked , the sell prices seems to be a little higher

3.buy all the upgrades as soon as you have at least 5k over . They give you more health/speed/abilty to deal with the events

4. do not buy anti-venom or health potions . in the long run they aren't worth it , instead go back to shop #1 every time your life goes arround 20-25 , don't play the hero you only have 3 lives .

4. Don't upgrade your house until the end of the game , keep it for the construction hats , the boots , etc instead ... you'll need around 120k to finish upgrading your house anyeway .

if you follow theese tips you'll finish the game with your 3 lives , every upgrades , full house upgrades and arround 120k in your pockets
KrUsEvAc Pr0 Players...
KrUsEvAc Pr0 Players... 3
172 months ago
worst game ever....
Dan 27
172 months ago
Great Game, Its a me Mario uploads lots of great games
Grand Imperator Wynter
Grand Imperator Wynter 40
172 months ago
who doesn't love a good digging game?
Big Boi
Big Boi 32
172 months ago
alright game
|FBG$| YLU Thomas173 B.O.B
|FBG$| YLU Thomas173 B.O.B 35
172 months ago
Mint Game
|FBG$|austin 33
172 months ago
briliant game great for passing time