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Doodle God Walkthrough
This page contains cheats, walkthroughs and game help for the game Doodle God
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Walkthrough: Part 1
First 58 elements.
+2 Helpful
Walkthrough: Part 2
The rest of the elements.
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168 months ago
All 115 Doodle God elements:
earth + fire = lava
air + earth = dust
air + fire = energy
energy + air = storm
fire + dust = ash
lava + air = stone
fire + stone = metal
water + stone = sand
water + air = steam
energy + metal = electricity
metal + steam = boiler
fire + sand = glass
water + earth = swamp
fire + water = alcohol
swamp + energy = life
swamp + sand = clay
alcohol + water = vodka
water + life = weeds
swamp + life = bacteria
swamp + weeds = moss
earth + moss = grass
swamp + grass = reed
water + bacteria = plankton
life + stone = egg
life + ash = ghost
life + sand = seeds
egg + earth = dinosaur
dinosaur + fire = dragon
air + egg = bird
swamp + moss = fern
clay + life = golem
golem + life = human
human + fire = corpse
human + human = ****
life + corpse = zombie
zombie + corpse = ghoul
human + energy = wizard
wizard + energy = demigod
seed + earth = tree
human + metal = tools
metal + tools = weapons
weapons + man = hunter
hunter + weapons = warrior
warrior + dragon = hero + blood
blood + human = vampire
fire + clay = bricks
tools + reed = paper
bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
tree + tool = wood
feather + paper = book
swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
coal + boiler = steam-engine
human + alcohol = alcoholic
sand + worm = snake
snake + water = fish
water + coal = oil
plankton + fish = whale
snake + tools = poison
poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
poisoned weapon + human = assassin
wood + tool = wheel
earth + tools = field
field + seeds = wheat
wheat + stone = flour
flour + water = dough
dough + fire = bread
bread + alcohol = beer
sand + egg = turtle
swamp + egg = lizard
wood + wheel = cart
cart + steam engine = locomotive
bird + fire = phoenix
lizard + earth = beast
beast + vampire = werewolf
worm + earth = beetle
fire + grass = tobacco
beetle + sand = scorpion
tobacco + paper = cigarette
wood + water = boat
cart + beast = chariot
hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
human + clay = ceramics
human + stone = hut
stone + plankton = shell
shell + stone = limestone
limestone + clay = cement
tools + wool = fabric
human + beast = domesticated animal
life + tree = treant
weeds + earth = mushroom
water + cement = concrete
concrete + bricks = house
fish + beast = dolphin
wood + boat = ship
oil + cart = car
car + air = airplane
fabric + human = clothes
air + worm = butterfly
100. storm + bird = thunderbird
glass + house = skyscraper
domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
weapon + gunpowder = firearm
ship + fabric = frigate
ship + steam engine = steamship
gamer uk
168 months ago
woood and meatl = chair
chair and wheel = wheerlcgair
93 months ago
This is a pretty good game.
Bum Face
168 months ago
beast+ vampire=werewolf
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168 months ago
earth + fire = lava
air + earth = dust
air + fire = energy
energy + air = storm
fire + dust = ash
lava + air = stone
fire + stone = metal
water + stone = sand
water + air = steam
energy + metal = electricity
metal + steam = boiler
fire + sand = glass
water + earth = swamp
fire + water = alcohol
swamp + energy = life
swamp + sand = clay
alcohol + water = vodka
water + life = weeds
swamp + life = bacteria
swamp + weeds = moss
earth + moss = grass
swamp + grass = reed
water + bacteria = plankton
life + stone = egg
life + ash = ghost
life + sand = seeds
egg + earth = dinosaur
dinosaur + fire = dragon
air + egg = bird
swamp + moss = fern
clay + life = golem
golem + life = human
human + fire = corpse
human + human = ****
life + corpse = zombie
zombie + corpse = ghoul
human + energy = wizard
wizard + energy = demigod
seed + earth = tree
human + metal = tools
metal + tools = weapons
weapons + man = hunter
hunter + weapons = warrior
warrior + dragon = hero + blood
blood + human = vampire
fire + clay = bricks
tools + reed = paper
bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
tree + tool = wood
feather + paper = book
swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
coal + boiler = steam-engine
human + alcohol = alcoholic
sand + worm = snake
snake + water = fish
water + coal = oil
plankton + fish = whale
snake + tools = poison
poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
poisoned weapon + human = assassin
wood + tool = wheel
earth + tools = field
field + seeds = wheat
wheat + stone = flour
flour + water = dough
dough + fire = bread
bread + alcohol = beer
sand + egg = turtle
swamp + egg = lizard
wood + wheel = cart
cart + steam engine = locomotive
bird + fire = phoenix
lizard + earth = beast
beast + vampire = werewolf
worm + earth = beetle
fire + grass = tobacco
beetle + sand = scorpion
tobacco + paper = cigarette
wood + water = boat
cart + beast = chariot
hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
human + clay = ceramics
human + stone = hut
stone + plankton = shell
shell + stone = limestone
limestone + clay = cement
tools + wool = fabric
human + beast = domesticated animal
life + tree = treant
weeds + earth = mushroom
water + cement = concrete
concrete + bricks = house
fish + beast = dolphin
wood + boat = ship
oil + cart = car
car + air = airplane
fabric + human = clothes
air + worm = butterfly
100. storm + bird = thunderbird
glass + house = skyscraper
domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
weapon + gunpowder = firearm
ship + fabric = frigate
ship + steam engine = steamship