Get the mp5, hk, 10,000 turrets,mg4. dont watse on wall upgades or infirmary. dont open mess hall til you need the mg4. set turret(s) where you got the hk set it so it shoots out into the reception area. you can defend from the front door and the turret(s). will defend ur back. When you can no longer defend there open the infirmary if you must. open the mess hall when ur ready to get the 10,000 mg. (after about 3 or 4 turrets)after about rd 25 youll be able to get a big turret every rd, youll see. make sure you and your turrets stay loaded. use your nades on the red demons. which is really the only reason you need the mg4 for. kill the reds first as they make the skelton come to life. good luck
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