Transit Taxi Jigsaw

Transit Taxi Jigsaw

(Rating: 4.4)Rating saved

Transit Taxi Jigsaw Game

(Rating: 4.4)Rating saved

By entering the Cab Jigsaw main game menu, you will face four modes to select from before starting to drag and place the pieces of the puzzle to complete the picture and so to successfully finish the task. You can select from Easy,Medium, Hard, Expert levels. The difference is in the number of pieces in which the puzzle will be shuffled before you start to place the pieces in their places. The modes differ from 12 pieces on the easy mode, 48 for the medium menu, 108 pieces for the hard level and 192 pieces for the hardest, the expert level! You'll get better each time you make an effort! Have fun!

How to Play:
Use mouse to play this game.

Sponsored by: Lagged.com

Tags: puzzle · jigsaw

615 total plays

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