this is not the best version, the strawberry clock is supposed to talk in a steven hawkings voice and tellytubbie is supposed to text talk like a lolcat.
Helloperson I don't mean to be rude but I had a hard time reading that because of your bad sentence structures and the way you sound like you're Russian....I'm sorry but you made practically no sense at all :( and a smile can not save the world...You sound more like you're getting supporters for some dumb organization against bullying than you are complimenting the game...And this game has been on Gamesbutler for a while
With it's many skins and items I love it...I also love how each skin has it's own personality making it more real....I have one problem though
I don't know how to cancel Fireballs in God Powers....He just stays on fire....and I don't get money....However the game is still great so I will continue to play it
170 months ago