
Most Liked Comments

regionald 10
172 months ago
1:drag the penguin up and click the key around its neck
2:type all the letters on your keyboard
3:click all the white blocks to form a key
4:snake game, press the mouse button to make a left turn
5:press the pings in the order:MEANDTHEKEY2
6:move your mouse left and right to make the ball fall
7:drag the left white background bar to find the key
8:always click the new ball that is added
9:don't move the mouse, so the penguin will think of a key, make sure your mouse is positioned over the key to be able to click it without moving
10:keep the mouse over the ball as it rises
11:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls
12:type all the letters on your keyboard, except the letters KEY
13:click the penguins so they spell KEY
14: snake level, more balls
15:press the Delete button on your keyboard 3 times
16:click 5 differences on the top tv:nose,right background bar,orange ball,left eye,bottom ball thought balloon
17:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls, mouse left and right drag left and right, mouse up and down rotate the walls
18:click all the blocks until they are all white and form a key
19:press the pings in the order:BARTBONTE
20:snake, but you also have to click the blocks to make a way for the snake
21:press the pings in the order:TWENTYONE
22:drag the three layers to find a key
23:make all tvs the same: orange background, penguin down
24:click the new ball that is added
25:hit the bricks and the key
sassyfrass 2
172 months ago
cant get em all!
172 months ago

1:drag the penguin up and click the key around its neck
2:type all the letters on your keyboard
3:click all the white blocks to form a key
4:snake game, press the mouse button to make a left turn
5:press the pings in the order:MEANDTHEKEY2
6:move your mouse left and right to make the ball fall
7:drag the left white background bar to find the key
8:always click the new ball that is added
9:don't move the mouse, so the penguin will think of a key, make sure your mouse is positioned over the key to be able to click it without moving
10:keep the mouse over the ball as it rises
11:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls
12:type all the letters on your keyboard, except the letters KEY
13:click the penguins so they spell KEY
14: snake level, more balls
15:press the Delete button on your keyboard 3 times
16:click 5 differences on the top tv:nose,right background bar,orange ball,left eye,bottom ball thought balloon
17:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls, mouse left and right drag left and right, mouse up and down rotate the walls
18:click all the blocks until they are all white and form a key
19:press the pings in the order:BARTBONTE
20:snake, but you also have to click the blocks to make a way for the snake
21:press the pings in the order:TWENTYONE
22:drag the three layers to find a key
23:make all tvs the same: orange background, penguin down
24:click the new ball that is added
25:hit the bricks and the key

Heru 1
172 months ago
Blazerconz 28
172 months ago
the last level is so mean
alphabutt 15
169 months ago
this game is really mind-boggleing
mihajlo2000 9
172 months ago
squrtune 14
172 months ago
level 7 is a naughty man
agent joe bond
agent joe bond 4
172 months ago
this game is hard
Stacy 2
172 months ago
you were adopted
Big Boi
Big Boi 32
172 months ago
Not a good game i want achievements or at least highscores
TasosP 45
93 months ago
This is a pretty good game.
Taytedokata 1
143 months ago
I'm on #5
Taytedokata 1
143 months ago
Do not know now?
Taytedokata 1
143 months ago
Found a key.YAY!
Taytedokata 1
143 months ago
I know how to play but I did not play this game before.
angelgame66 2
143 months ago
they say all the answer
angelgame66 2
143 months ago
they all the answer
this game is a piece of crap
this gakme sucks
155 months ago
1:drag the penguin up and click the key around its neck
2:type all the letters on your keyboard
3:click all the white blocks to form a key
4:snake game, press the mouse button to make a left turn
5:press the pings in the order:MEANDTHEKEY2
6:move your mouse left and right to make the ball fall
7:drag the left white background bar to find the key
8:always click the new ball that is added
9:don't move the mouse, so the penguin will think of a key, make sure your mouse is positioned over the key to be able to click it without moving
10:keep the mouse over the ball as it rises
11:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls
12:type all the letters on your keyboard, except the letters KEY
13:click the penguins so they spell KEY
14: snake level, more balls
15:press the Delete button on your keyboard 3 times
16:click 5 differences on the top tv:nose,right background bar,orange ball,left eye,bottom ball thought balloon
17:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls, mouse left and right drag left and right, mouse up and down rotate the walls
18:click all the blocks until they are all white and form a key
19:press the pings in the order:BARTBONTE
20:snake, but you also have to click the blocks to make a way for the snake
21:press the pings in the order:TWENTYONE
22:drag the three layers to find a key
23:make all tvs the same: orange background, penguin down
24:click the new ball that is added
25:hit the bricks and the key
Kalie 4
159 months ago
1:drag the penguin up and click the key around its neck
2:type all the letters on your keyboard
3:click all the white blocks to form a key
4:snake game, press the mouse button to make a left turn
5:press the pings in the order:MEANDTHEKEY2
6:move your mouse left and right to make the ball fall
7:drag the left white background bar to find the key
8:always click the new ball that is added
9:don't move the mouse, so the penguin will think of a key, make sure your mouse is positioned over the key to be able to click it without moving
10:keep the mouse over the ball as it rises
11:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls
12:type all the letters on your keyboard, except the letters KEY
13:click the penguins so they spell KEY
14: snake level, more balls
15:press the Delete button on your keyboard 3 times
16:click 5 differences on the top tv:nose,right background bar,orange ball,left eye,bottom ball thought balloon
17:drag the ball from one to the other, don't touch the walls, mouse left and right drag left and right, mouse up and down rotate the walls
18:click all the blocks until they are all white and form a key
19:press the pings in the order:BARTBONTE
20:snake, but you also have to click the blocks to make a way for the snake
21:press the pings in the order:TWENTYONE
22:drag the three layers to find a key
23:make all tvs the same: orange background, penguin down
24:click the new ball that is added
25:hit the bricks and the key
Namz011 24
172 months ago
stuck on 22! whereisthekey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
172 months ago
i dont get leval 8 it is so hard
swaggin-since 96 33
172 months ago
regionald you know that you didnt have to put all of that there. all you have to do is click the get a hint bubble and it tells you exactly wat to do