29=look for diamond its near the right side of tap if u get bomb put under tap QUICK!!
30=click the 0 from the number 30 in circle
31=drive down the m4
32=click finger
33=click number 33 in the circle
34=click the button that says death
35=aim for the face
37=move your mouse off the screen and let the elephant smash
38=press enter repetedly + right arrow key at the same time
thats the best i can give you at the moment soz!!
i just joined today so soz
got it here is the rest
27=press 1 on your keyboard
28=sparta (if u get scared eaisily look away after you press it)
i dnt know the rest lol
=] HELP =]
1=up his sleevies
5=wateva letter he says you press the ending word will either be (arse,carrot or udder)
7=press the right key on your keyboard (nothing to do do with the keys on the sccreen)
8=10 letters in
9=click on the big circle thingi till it goes to the next question
10=where it says 'a penguin?' click and drag
11=no real answer just follow the instructions
12=click the answer that says 'fine'
14=the question number where it says 14 in a circle click that twice
15=a backwords dog
17=put ur mouse at the top and when the brown balloon comes hit it (try not to touch the red balloon or you will lose a life)
18=fly sandwichs
19=fuse stopper
20=switch on the light switch and click the spots to squeeze them.
22=pink clouds
23=the circle around the question number click and drag to the bottom line
25=when its a jar
26=you run.you run so far away.
these are just the ones i know but im really stuck on one question can someone help me if you know it plz reply im stuck on QUESTION:27
plz plz plz plz reply if you know it thnx
170 months ago