Question 41: AFRO
Question 42: 42nd 42
Question 43: Tom Cruise
Question 44: .
Question 45: W RONG (cross sun flag skull up)
Question 47: Red
Question 48: SNAAAAKE!
Question 49: SPLAPP-ME-DO
Question 50: O.K.
Question 51: Fight! (mash the mouse)
Question 52: 3rd from left
Question 53: ...but pa might not
Question 54: No, about 20cm off the ground
Question 55: A games console for wholemeal biscuits
Question 56: Blue, red, blue, yellow
Question 57: Erm... one?
Question 58: Shepherd's Pie
Question 59: Charge ur lazer! (mash the mouse)
Question 60: No... (unless you did 59 without retrying upon running this flash
1.four but a tin can
3.k.o answer) in the question
5.right click then click the button
6.shallots elephant
8. under the s kinda
9.the one right under the 2
10. teeth
11. n
12. the dot on the i (in click)
13. f'tang
14. torch
15. click the letterz (h o r s e)
16. h
17. click 17. in the corner (the question #)
18. hammer
19. skip it
20. seal
21. skip it
22. +1 skip
23. bran
24. click the v in lives
25. shoe polish
26. arsefacey
27. goto 28
28. abundance
29. egg manayse
30. right click then goto the button
31. woof woof woof
32. baby sham and human faces
34.just wait til it goes to 35
35. wait til the green one comes
36. a walk
37. skip it
38.mary rose
39.clincdial adventures
in #22 be carefully showiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg
One of the worst games I've ever seen. I have some advice for the developer: next time you're tripping out, just keep it to yourself, you don't have to share what you remember about your psychedelic escapade. If you're not a drug addict, in which case you're a ten year old, I still have some advice: next time you have a dream about something you saw on Teletubbies, keep it to yourself.
iCocoxD 2 6 months ago 1. Four 2. No, but a tin can 3. K.O 4. Click the words "the answer" in the question. 5. Click and hold down the left mouse button to go over blue 6. Shallots 7. An elephant 8. Search! (under the letters S and E) 9. That one (top right box) 10. Choose food, Chews food. Your mouth chews food, so, the mouth 11. n 12. Click the dot on top of the "i" 13. F'TAANG!!! 14. Torch 15. Horse 16. H, T-H-E-A-L-P-H 17. 17, click the question number 18. Hammer 19. Blue-Orange-Green-Green-Yellow 20. Seal 21. Top left box 22. +1 skip 23. Bran 24. Click the V in lives 25. Shoe polish 26. Arsefacey ?. Go to 28 28. Abundance, A-bun-dance 29. Egg mayonaise 30. Same as 5, hold the left mouse button down 31. Woof. Woof. Woof. 32. Babycham and human faeces 33. 7, H-I-S-H-A-N-D 34. Move your mouse off screen 35. Wait for the green button 36. A walk 37. All of the answers are correct 38. Mary Rose 39. Cylindrical Adventures 40. Same as 5 and 30, hold your left mouse button down. 41. Afro 42. Its the 42'nd 42 43. Tom cruise 44. Move the piece with the question number out of the way, and on the piece that was below it, there should be a very small circle, click that. 45. Top right box 46. OMGF u kills sonikku u bastud 47. Right click so you can see where your mouse is, then click the button 48. SNAAAAKE! 49. Splapp-me-do 50. O.K. 51. Just click, click, and click some more 52. 3rd one from the left 53. ...But pa might not 54. No, about 20cm off the ground 55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits 56. Blue, red, blue, yellow 57. Erm... One? 58. Shepherd's pie 59. Click on the thing as fast as you can repeatedly 60. BE HONEST. If when you got the game loaded and you got it on your first attempt after it loaded, then click yes, otherwise, click no. 61. Thumbs up 62. Click the moSS 63. Tasteless white filth 64. Egg *greater than* 28 (cant use the greater than symbol in youtube video descriptions) 65. Click the word "largest" 66. Click the "!" at the end of the question. 67. A big hairy arsonist (arse-on-ist) 68. Stroke the cat. 69. Lol, 69 70. Using its anus 71. Click the top left green box (I dont know if the others work when they are green, but I've only ever tried the top left one.) 72. Click around the middle left area 73. ? (Top right one) 74. No one knows that. 75. Put your cursor just under the question number, and BE PREPARED. 76. Click Sugar, Honey, Honey 77. Question 77 78. Four 79. Click on the "U" in the word "you" in the answer "What do you mean?". 80. Filthy Romanians. 81. Stroke the pole, same as the cat. 82. Clip all of the toenails 83. National Dyslexic Association 84. Put your mouse on here. This is pretty difficult to get used to. Hold the left mouse button down, then once the 4 meteor things that come from the right side have gone, move your mouse to the top left and release the mouse button to get the skip, then move the mouse to the top right to get another skip, then to the bottom right to get the star to pass the level. Be patient with this level, it took me at least 5 attempts to get it right. 85. I loved it! 86. The prince 87 Click the "." that isn't there at the end of the question number. 88. Keep clicking as fast as you can. 89. Blindness 90. Nonce 91. Move the mouse to just below the 3rd hole and follow the tear. 92. Again a pretty difficult question. The order is 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, 0.4 93. Drag the bomb away and click on the GO arrow 94. Do nothing. 95. Move your mouse cursor off screen then click the button 96. A right mess! 97. 10+! 98. Blue, red, blue, yellow (use the words, not the colours) 99. Wait until the bomb is on 1 and the light is green, then click the sign 100. 2 101. C-H-I-H-U-A-H-U-A 102. Pretty difficult, nothing that I can really say here. 103. Click the red square thing 104. The picture on the bottom right, the big yellow sad moon 105. Use the letter B in gooseberry, the letter A in apple, and the 2nd letter N in nectarine to spell out the word banana. 106. Hold the left mouse button down to go off road. 107. Do nothing. 108. Type in 4 8 15 16 23 42 with spaces in between each number. Can be pretty difficult to do quickly. 109. Click its umm... rear end... Then click the poopy arrow. 110. Use your skips
iCocoxD 2 6 months ago 1. Four 2. No, but a tin can 3. K.O 4. Click the words "the answer" in the question. 5. Click and hold down the left mouse button to go over blue 6. Shallots 7. An elephant 8. Search! (under the letters S and E) 9. That one (top right box) 10. Choose food, Chews food. Your mouth chews food, so, the mouth 11. n 12. Click the dot on top of the "i" 13. F'TAANG!!! 14. Torch 15. Horse 16. H, T-H-E-A-L-P-H 17. 17, click the question number 18. Hammer 19. Blue-Orange-Green-Green-Yellow 20. Seal 21. Top left box 22. +1 skip 23. Bran 24. Click the V in lives 25. Shoe polish 26. Arsefacey ?. Go to 28 28. Abundance, A-bun-dance 29. Egg mayonaise 30. Same as 5, hold the left mouse button down 31. Woof. Woof. Woof. 32. Babycham and human faeces 33. 7, H-I-S-H-A-N-D 34. Move your mouse off screen 35. Wait for the green button 36. A walk 37. All of the answers are correct 38. Mary Rose 39. Cylindrical Adventures 40. Same as 5 and 30, hold your left mouse button down. 41. Afro 42. Its the 42'nd 42 43. Tom cruise 44. Move the piece with the question number out of the way, and on the piece that was below it, there should be a very small circle, click that. 45. Top right box 46. OMGF u kills sonikku u bastud 47. Right click so you can see where your mouse is, then click the button 48. SNAAAAKE! 49. Splapp-me-do 50. O.K. 51. Just click, click, and click some more 52. 3rd one from the left 53. ...But pa might not 54. No, about 20cm off the ground 55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits 56. Blue, red, blue, yellow 57. Erm... One? 58. Shepherd's pie 59. Click on the thing as fast as you can repeatedly 60. BE HONEST. If when you got the game loaded and you got it on your first attempt after it loaded, then click yes, otherwise, click no. 61. Thumbs up 62. Click the moSS 63. Tasteless white filth 64. Egg *greater than* 28 (cant use the greater than symbol in youtube video descriptions) 65. Click the word "largest" 66. Click the "!" at the end of the question. 67. A big hairy arsonist (arse-on-ist) 68. Stroke the cat. 69. Lol, 69 70. Using its anus 71. Click the top left green box (I dont know if the others work when they are green, but I've only ever tried the top left one.) 72. Click around the middle left area 73. ? (Top right one) 74. No one knows that. 75. Put your cursor just under the question number, and BE PREPARED. 76. Click Sugar, Honey, Honey 77. Question 77 78. Four 79. Click on the "U" in the word "you" in the answer "What do you mean?". 80. Filthy Romanians. 81. Stroke the pole, same as the cat. 82. Clip all of the toenails 83. National Dyslexic Association 84. Put your mouse on here. This is pretty difficult to get used to. Hold the left mouse button down, then once the 4 meteor things that come from the right side have gone, move your mouse to the top left and release the mouse button to get the skip, then move the mouse to the top right to get another skip, then to the bottom right to get the star to pass the level. Be patient with this level, it took me at least 5 attempts to get it right. 85. I loved it! 86. The prince 87 Click the "." that isn't there at the end of the question number. 88. Keep clicking as fast as you can. 89. Blindness 90. Nonce 91. Move the mouse to just below the 3rd hole and follow the tear. 92. Again a pretty difficult question. The order is 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, 0.4 93. Drag the bomb away and click on the GO arrow 94. Do nothing. 95. Move your mouse cursor off screen then click the button 96. A right mess! 97. 10+! 98. Blue, red, blue, yellow (use the words, not the colours) 99. Wait until the bomb is on 1 and the light is green, then click the sign 100. 2 101. C-H-I-H-U-A-H-U-A 102. Pretty difficult, nothing that I can really say here. 103. Click the red square thing 104. The picture on the bottom right, the big yellow sad moon 105. Use the letter B in gooseberry, the letter A in apple, and the 2nd letter N in nectarine to spell out the word banana. 106. Hold the left mouse button down to go off road. 107. Do nothing. 108. Type in 4 8 15 16 23 42 with spaces in between each number. Can be pretty difficult to do quickly. 109. Click its umm... rear end... Then click the poopy arrow. 110. Use your skips :D
1. Four 2. No, but a tin can 3. K.O 4. Click the words "the answer" in the question. 5. Click and hold down the left mouse button to go over blue 6. Shallots 7. An elephant 8. Search! (under the letters S and E) 9. That one (top right box) 10. Choose food, Chews food. Your mouth chews food, so, the mouth 11. n 12. Click the dot on top of the "i" 13. F'TAANG!!! 14. Torch 15. Horse 16. H, T-H-E-A-L-P-H 17. 17, click the question number 18. Hammer 19. Blue-Orange-Green-Green-Yellow 20. Seal 21. Top left box 22. +1 skip 23. Bran 24. Click the V in lives 25. Shoe polish 26. Arsefacey ?. Go to 28 28. Abundance, A-bun-dance 29. Egg mayonaise 30. Same as 5, hold the left mouse button down 31. Woof. Woof. Woof. 32. Babycham and human faeces 33. 7, H-I-S-H-A-N-D 34. Move your mouse off screen 35. Wait for the green button 36. A walk 37. All of the answers are correct 38. Mary Rose 39. Cylindrical Adventures 40. Same as 5 and 30, hold your left mouse button down. 41. Afro 42. Its the 42'nd 42 43. Tom cruise 44. Move the piece with the question number out of the way, and on the piece that was below it, there should be a very small circle, click that. 45. Top right box 46. OMGF u kills sonikku u bastud 47. Right click so you can see where your mouse is, then click the button 48. SNAAAAKE! 49. Splapp-me-do 50. O.K. 51. Just click, click, and click some more 52. 3rd one from the left 53. ...But pa might not 54. No, about 20cm off the ground 55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits 56. Blue, red, blue, yellow 57. Erm... One? 58. Shepherd's pie 59. Click on the thing as fast as you can repeatedly 60. BE HONEST. If when you got the game loaded and you got it on your first attempt after it loaded, then click yes, otherwise, click no. 61. Thumbs up 62. Click the moSS 63. Tasteless white filth 64. Egg *greater than* 28 (cant use the greater than symbol in youtube video descriptions) 65. Click the word "largest" 66. Click the "!" at the end of the question. 67. A big hairy arsonist (arse-on-ist) 68. Stroke the cat. 69. Lol, 69 70. Using its anus 71. Click the top left green box (I dont know if the others work when they are green, but I've only ever tried the top left one.) 72. Click around the middle left area 73. ? (Top right one) 74. No one knows that. 75. Put your cursor just under the question number, and BE PREPARED. 76. Click Sugar, Honey, Honey 77. Question 77 78. Four 79. Click on the "U" in the word "you" in the answer "What do you mean?". 80. Filthy Romanians. 81. Stroke the pole, same as the cat. 82. Clip all of the toenails 83. National Dyslexic Association 84. Put your mouse on here. This is pretty difficult to get used to. Hold the left mouse button down, then once the 4 meteor things that come from the right side have gone, move your mouse to the top left and release the mouse button to get the skip, then move the mouse to the top right to get another skip, then to the bottom right to get the star to pass the level. Be patient with this level, it took me at least 5 attempts to get it right. 85. I loved it! 86. The prince 87 Click the "." that isn't there at the end of the question number. 88. Keep clicking as fast as you can. 89. Blindness 90. Nonce 91. Move the mouse to just below the 3rd hole and follow the tear. 92. Again a pretty difficult question. The order is 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, 0.4 93. Drag the bomb away and click on the GO arrow 94. Do nothing. 95. Move your mouse cursor off screen then click the button 96. A right mess! 97. 10+! 98. Blue, red, blue, yellow (use the words, not the colours) 99. Wait until the bomb is on 1 and the light is green, then click the sign 100. 2 101. C-H-I-H-U-A-H-U-A 102. Pretty difficult, nothing that I can really say here. 103. Click the red square thing 104. The picture on the bottom right, the big yellow sad moon 105. Use the letter B in gooseberry, the letter A in apple, and the 2nd letter N in nectarine to spell out the word banana. 106. Hold the left mouse button down to go off road. 107. Do nothing. 108. Type in 4 8 15 16 23 42 with spaces in between each number. Can be pretty difficult to do quickly. 109. Click its umm... rear end... Then click the poopy arrow. 110. Use your skip
166 months ago