I wouldn't say it's terrible, but there's no sky, this is not survival, also as far as I see there's no iron,diamond, etc. Otherwise good. I like the fact the pickax looks different, like a mod.
I've been playing all day. only thig i would say I dislike about this game is that one, it's always night two, you don't get supplise and three, when you dig to the bottom of the ground what in the world is that rock at the bottom at the of ground when your diging?! I CAN"T EVEN DIG IT OUT!
all you do is mine and you can't place any thing thats a flaw but other wise it close to peaceful mode on the real thing. as a minecraft player though it insults me we do not just dig up dirt :D
? no sky. trowel spawns sand and no survival. there is more but i cant go on this is OK if you just want to dig with a pick-axe and spawn sand all day but.
140 months ago