
Logo Game Facebook Answers Guide

Can you guess the logo in this fun facebook and mobile trivia game? We provide all of the solutions to the pack 1 levels of the game. More packs will be added to this page as they are released.

Logo Game Facebook Answers Guide

Cheats and Answers for The Logo Game

Find the solutions you need in The Logo Game using our guide below. Answers listed alphanumerically.

All of the logo solutions, did you get them all or did you need help?

Level 1 Answer: Spider-Man
Level 2 Answer: Barman
Level 3 Answer: Hulk
Level 4 Answer: Ironman
Level 5 Answer: Super-man
Level 6 Answer: Captain America
Level 7 Answer: MSN
Level 8 Answer: Skype
Level 9 Answer: Pepsi
Level 10 Answer: Chrome
Level 11 Answer: Amazon
Level 12 Answer: Mcdonald’s
Level 13 Answer: Toys R Us
Level 14 Answer: Twitter
Level 15 Answer: Pringles
Level 16 Answer: Lego
Level 17 Answer: Campbell’s
Level 18 Answer: Electronic Arts
Level 19 Answer: PlayStation
Level 20 Answer: Ford
Level 21 Answer: Google
Level 22 Answer: Nissan

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Did you guess all of them correctly? Hope this page was helpful. Answers provided by Dom.

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